Do you know the meaning of Swayambhu? 

'Swyam' means self and 'bhu' means 'to take birth'.
Swyambhu together means self-existent or self-risen.
There's history behind the syawambunath- The legend has it that swyambhunath stupa self-existed.

It is believed that swayambhunath was actually a light before it evolved into a stupa.

The interesting part is : -

The Bodhisattva Manjushri was allured to the brilliant shine of the lotus and cut a gorge in the mountain with his sword, transforming the lake into Kathmandu valley, lotus into a hill, and the light into the present Swayambhunath.


Swayambhunath is a home to nemorous monkeys.

There are more than 250 monkeys around the swyambhunath residing in the northwest forest of the stupa.

It is interesting to know , Monkeys are more interested in you if you are carrying a bag or plastic bag.
Always concerned as if snatching the bag can result some food to them.

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